The JuseyMiners FLUX-C 1.0 is the first plug-and-play Flux crypto node from JuseyMiners.
By staking 1000 Flux tokens and registering your JuseyMiners FLUX-C node, you can be a part of the Flux decentralized cloud. This cloud infrastructure allows for websites, online company databases, game servers, and many other cloud-based programs to run on a Cloud built by a collective, instead of owned by a company.
Running a Cumulus Flux node also rewards YOU with 7.5% of the block reward when your Flux node is chosen. This currently means that Cumulus node runners earn over 12% annual return on the FLUX they have staked as a reward for owning part of the Flux decentralized network.
Order your JuseyMiners Flux node today and find out how easy it is to earn from owning your very own piece of the Flux Decentralized Cloud.